Section 3 Our Separation From God - 11 Life After Death

Question: God why are you using the word “bull”? This is such strong language? What is it that you find so distasteful about the New Age?

God’s answer:

They promote the self and call it God.

Question: There are so many other faiths that do this. The New age seems to be a mish-mash of all these. Why is it that the New Age seems to ruffle your feathers?

God’s answer:

They are treading on sacred ground. This is not kosher.

Meaning: Christology ”(Theology) the branch of theology concerned with the person, attributes, and deeds of Christ.”21 God is speaking of the New Age distortion of the Christ consciousness, the I AM and the claim that Jesus is an ascended master, etc.

Kosher in Judaism means “conforming to dietary laws; ritually pure” 22 As a modern day expression to say something is not kosher means “someone does something that most people don't agree with; socially unacceptable; politically incorrect.” 23


Question: Considering the presence of other faiths/religion/ beliefs, why are you discussing the New Age Movement more?

God’s answer:

You are buying into it. It is permeating.

Meaning: Permeate means “to spread or flow throughout; pervade”24. In other words, the New Age beliefs are becoming mainstream.

If you are somewhat familiar with the New Age movement , these messages will make sense to you. If not, read a little bit about it because you may already be buying into it and don’t even know it (i.e. energy, healing crystals, calling God “The Higher Power”, etc.)

Question: Is there anything else you would like to say? If not, can you give a concluding remark?

God’s message to the public:

Don’t believe a word they say.

God’s message to the New Age Movement:

Cut the crap.

Question: Why do you want to include this discussion in the Life After Death chapter and not somewhere else?

God’s answer:

This is where they will go.
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